"See" Message In A Bottle(2019) UPDATED
In the height of the pandemic, amid all the lockdowns and daily fear of a then-new and unknown virus, two women from New Jersey decided to put a letter into a bottle and drop it in the ocean, with a message of hope for the future.
"See" Message in a Bottle(2019)
"I didn't know that anybody would ever find this, I figured it would get wet, the bottle would sink to the bottom, never to be seen again," said Bock, who said they wrote the message six months into the pandemic.
The video he made has been viewed more than four million times on TikTok. Both sender and recipient, Bock and McCarthy, believe it's the message of positivity and resilience that is resonating with so many.
I just returned from an amazing 30-day cruise of the Indian Ocean, which included ports of call in 12 different countries. While at sea one day exercising on the cruise ship deck, and prompted by a sunlight reflection off the water, I spied a sealed bottle floating on the surface of the ocean. It immediately made me wonder if there was a message in the bottle, and if so, I pondered what the odds were that the message would ever be read.
Knowing that the aforementioned manager communication gap is the primary employee complaint about workplace communication, you should remind every manager on your team to take the message out of the bottle and deliver it in person to their employees.
With the help of a GoFundMe campaign, Sasha and his father were able to travel to Ireland for 10 days in October. The first half of their trip, they visited with Simmonds and Marron in Belfast, who showed them the beach where the bottle washed up. That was meaningful for Sasha, as he sent off the message in the bottle with the help of his friend Wayne Smith, who passed away in 2021.
By the time Jarvis discovered the message, the Pszanka family had pretty much forgotten they had even thrown a bottle into Currituck Sound. When Mickie Pszanka told her son, Jaxson, that the bottle had been found, he was confused at first.
While at the time there were six children in the Pszanka family, the parents have since adopted two more and moved to Colorado. The idea of throwing a message in a bottle into Currituck Sound did not meet with universal family approval.
The bottle that Jarvis found had traveled, perhaps not as long a distance as a bottle floating on ocean currents, but the Pszankas message had managed to dodge innumerable islands in northern Currituck Sound, islets and sandbars to make the roughly 25-mile journey from Corolla to Kitty Hawk.
A Scottish family vacationing on the Central Coast found more than just adventure. Four young cousins found a message in a bottle. The bottle has been on a years long journey, a journey that is still far from over.
The Duncan family contacted both of the letter writers and they heard back from both couples. They also added contact information so hopefully in the future they too can offer a personal message of hope.
Over fifty years ago a sailor from Russia threw over a message in a bottle. He was on the refrigerated cargo fishing ship, the Sulak and put a letter in a bottle and tossed it overboard into the Pacific Ocean. On the 5th of August 2019, the bottle was finally discovered by an Alaskan man, Tyler Ivanoff. Ivanoff was searching the beach on Sarichef Island north of the Bering Strait for firewood and came across the bottle.
The oldest message in a bottle was discovered by Tonya Illman while she was walking along a Western Australian beach near Wedge Island in January of 2018. Seeing an old glass bottle sticking up from the sand she thought it would make an attractive decorative object for her home and dug it up. It turned out to be a gin bottle containing a note written in German and dated June 12, 1886.
According to bbc.com, it was common for German sailing ships of the era to deposit messages in bottles and this one was thrown into the southeast Indian Ocean as the ship traveled from Wales to Indonesia. Of the thousands of messages thrown overboard six hundred and sixty two have been returned to Germany with the last bottle found in Denmark in 1934 until the one found by Illman. The family has loaned the note and the bottle to the Western Australian Museum for display.
It looked pretty old, so they took their find back home to try and figure out how to get the message out of the bottle. They captured the entire process on Facebook Live. They tried to uncork it, which proved to be difficult as the seal broke their wine opener.
Inside the bottle, Ivanoff found two pieces of paper, one blank and one with a handwritten letter. Thanks to his Russian classes in high school and college, Ivanoff was able to make out the letters on the paper but wasn't able to properly translate the message.
Botsanenko, who was once the youngest captain in the Pacific at 33 years old, said he sent the message from the Sulak. He had overseen the construction of the ship in 1966 and sailed on it until 1970. 041b061a72